Sunday, December 18, 2005

Colombia confirms military tie to Chavez plot

Former Venezuelan soldiers plotted against President Hugo Chavez's Government at a Colombian military intelligence building, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe says.

Mr Uribe made the statement after a meeting with Mr Chavez and analysing documents furnished by the Venezuelan leader.

"The Venezuelan soldiers who are in Bogota [Colombia's capital] went to a building to meet with members of the Colombian military. President Chavez gave us these documents ... we analysed them and this morning I said to President Chavez: 'I must tell you the truth: this is a building of Colombia's public forces'," he said.

Mr Uribe says intelligence efforts against the Venezuelan Government are conducted in the building, and assumed responsibility for the affair.

"I assumed responsibility before President Chavez and I assume it in public, because the Government of Colombia, which suffers from terrorism, cannot permit anyone to plot conspiracies, especially against a brother country," he said.

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