Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Patty Melt, Utah

I asked, genuinely, in an earlier post about why 36-42% of the American population supports Bush. Perhaps I phrased the question in the wrong way. I asked what he has done well.

Read this article in the Washington Post on a little town in Utah populated by Bush fans. You have to read past the several paragraphs on patty melts. Then tell me what you glean from that. I could only take away two things: 1. we're patriots; 2. he's a nice guy. (well, and 3. we're braindead, but that also extends to a larger share of the population).


Anonymous said...

I think Randolph was one of those places that saw a lot of flying saucers in the 1950s.

I could be wrong, though.


helmut said...

I was kind of fond of the remark that, "...don't know what Dijon mustard is, and don't care to know."

In a recent poll, it was found that 5% of Randolph residents know what Dijon mustard is.

Anonymous said...

Here's what jumped out at me from the article:

There have been no funerals here from Bush's war on terrorism.

OK, Mayberry, we'll get back to you once you've had a flag-draped coffin or two shipped your way.

Neil Shakespeare said...

I think Bush is doing a fine job for the dead in Utah.