Friday, February 06, 2009

Damned Sichuan Dam

Photo: Ng Han Guan/The Associated Press
Nearly nine months after a devastating earthquake in Sichuan Province, China, left 80,000 people dead or missing, a growing number of American and Chinese scientists are suggesting that the calamity was triggered by a four-year-old reservoir built close to the earthquake's geological fault line.

A Columbia University scientist who studied the quake has said that it may have been triggered by the weight of 320 million tons of water in the Zipingpu Reservoir less than a mile from a well-known major fault. His conclusions, presented to the American Geophysical Union in December, coincide with a new finding by Chinese geophysicists that the dam caused significant seismic changes before the earthquake...

"Any kind of government-related disaster presently is very, very damaging and politically extremely sensitive," said Cheng Li, the China research director at the Brookings Institution....

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